Release past emotions today and create what you want in life!
Gain clarity, direction and confidence in your future.
COMING SOON: 2025 Program Dates
Mindful Breath Mastery 5-Week Progam
Mindful Breath Mastery one-day workshops will start In January 2025 I’ll be releasing more information about my new 5-Week program. Click here to sign up to receive more information, including dates, as soon as it’s available.
Change the way you breathe and your life will change.
Hi, I’m Kerry
My own positive transformation became my driver to learn everything and more, so I could help those who were going through the same dark emotions. Today, I know my true purpose is to reconnect lost souls back to themselves and life. I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity to have experienced everything I have, as it fuels my passion and purpose to serve.

NLP Coaching
Neuro-Linguistic Programming is one of the techniques used to enhance performance. This helps the individual control their emotional state and stay focused on what they want to achieve in life.
Hypnosis usually involves a person experiencing a sense of deep relaxation. While the conscious mind is suppressed, the therapist can suggest ideas, concepts and lifestyle changes to the client which become firmly planted.
Time Line Therapy®
Time Line Therapy® is a process that focuses on your history to find a root problem. I then guide you to eliminate anger, fear, sadness, hurt and guilt that can leave you tethered to your past and stuck in life.
change can be noticeable by your second session
In utilising various training skills, tools and techniques from Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP, Reiki and Time Line Therapy®, I have helped many clients to release the emotional blocks that they have experienced. These past experiences were holding them back in life. What’s holding you back from a meaningful life?
Trauma comes in all shapes and sizes. From loss to accidents, from harassment and bullying to verbal and physical abuse, to abandonment and neglect, trauma effects everyone differently. With therapy, I can help you release the trauma and live a normal happy life.
Pain Management
Does pain hold you back? Would you like to live a pain-free life? I can help you break free from pain holding you back another day. I can help you reduce and/or release the pain you have had for years, allowing you to rediscover freedom and a sense of control. What do you have to lose… besides your pain?
Depression can be much deeper than just sadness. Depression hijacks the mind and body, causes a loss of interest or disconnection in life and even appetite changes. These things can indicate depression has overtaken your life. Hypnotherapy and Time Line Therapy® can help you reconnect back to yourself, regain your confidence and get back to enjoying life and those around you again!
Phobias & Anxieties
Anxiety is a natural response in the body to a threat (whether perceived or real) of danger. This can be anything from a job interview to speaking in public. Phobias are an irrational fear of a stimulus in the environment for example enclosed spaces, snakes or heights. These can be eliminated with the help of a trained therapist.
Anger Management
Suppressed anger or frustration can be an underlying cause of anxiety and depression. Anger that is not appropriately articulated can disrupt careers, relationships, families, affect thinking and behaviour patterns.
Find Clarity and Direction in Life
When we face times of mayhem, change or conflict, it can be exceedingly difficult to gain a purpose and sensible evaluation of our situation. We know that gaining clarity is essential for making good decisions about what to do next and what action to take.
Would you like to be freed from your past challenges and limiting beliefs?
Reset Your Mindset | Group Program
Next Program Date Announced Soon.
A brand new program at the Life Medical Centre Erina.
9-week program
Coaching manual
Private telegram group
” No words I can express enough to show my gratitude”
All elements coaching is a life saving empowerment home. The understanding and care while not giving into woe is me. They truely care. There is no words I can express enough to show my gratitude for them. Kerry is amazing and truely an amazing human. Thank you kerry
“5 STARS – I would highly recommend Kerry to any of my friends or family.”
I was struggling with chronic pain for many years which in turn reduced my ability to do all my favourite activities and hobbies. Kerry has helped me to overcome this and I am now able to enjoy life and everything it has to offer….I feel, whenever I have a session with Kerry, she has an amazing ability to know exactly what I need and where I need to go during the session (sometimes even before I arrive).
Are you lost? Stuck in a rut?
I use a combination of Life Coaching, NLP and Hypnosis. This works quickly to help you start feeling positive about life again, or experience relaxation and calmness in place of anxiety.
It won’t take months or years to resolve anxiety or depression. Hypnosis for depression begins to work straight away and you will notice an immediate benefit.
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Paddle Coaching
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