Next Program
To Be Announced
9 Weeks
Coaching Manual
Private Telegram Group

A brand new program at the Life Medical Centre Erina

You either control your mindset or it controls you.

This 8-week program will be co-delivered by Dr Michelle Reiss and Kerry Davenport to equip you to practically change your thoughts and your life.

You will learn:

๐Ÿ‘‰The Science Of Transforming Your Life

๐Ÿ‘‰4 Things All Successful People Master

๐Ÿ‘‰How To Release Your Limitations

๐Ÿ‘‰Turn Self-Doubt Into Self-Confidence

๐Ÿ‘‰How To Create Habits For Success

๐Ÿ‘‰Reignite Your Purpose

To secure your spot we require a 50% deposit. Spots are limited.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Kate on 4313 1555 or via email at [email protected]

What the program includes:

  • 9 X 2hour sessions.
  • 100+ page coaching manual
  • Private Telegram group for recorded lessons, questions, shares and loads more coaching assistance videos, advice etc


This is your chance to take your life to the next level. Whether it’s changes in your health, wealth, relationships, business, happiness or any area of your life…

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Maybe your vision out there is to improve your relationships or get into a relationship or maybe your vision is to create your dream career or just have more happiness in general.

But the reality is no matter what it is that you want to create out there in the future, it all just comes down to one thing. and that thing is called mindset.

You either control your mindset or it controls you.

You are either the master of your mindset, or it is the master of you.

Life gets incredibly frustrating because things just don’t end up going your way constantly.

An example of problem and benefit.
The practial way to change your thoughts & your life. RESET YOUR MINDSET. Complete 8 week coaching program. -Find true purpose and true fulfillment - remove resistance to your success - discover what truely motivates you - become the best version of yourself.

Next Program: Date Announced Soon

A chart showing the reset your mindset forumula.

Live your life with true happiness, clarity and direction.

If you are ready to take action, move forward, release the past disempowering belief and trama's to create an amazing and empowering life, then I believe I can help you.

International Institute for Complementary Therapists
Heal the Inner Child - Certified Practicioner
Certified Results Coach
Oxygen Advantage