8 Pillars
1 Face-to-Face Session

The Tipping Point to Empowering Change is back bigger and better than ever.

For the first time ever, we begin with a powerful full day of face-to-face emersion coaching. This will give you the greatest opportunity to transform, learn and clear some blocks that are keeping you stuck.

Do you feel like your life has no purpose?

Are you simply existing, one day after another feeling like you are on a hamster wheel?

Do you feel like every time you decide to make a change, life seems to get in the way by throwing you obstacles, struggles, pain and suffering?

Are there certain aspects of your life you would love to adjust, develop or change?

If any of these sound like you, then there’s no better time than right NOW to not only set your intention to change… but to actually follow through and enjoy the life you truely want and deserve. The best way to set your dream life in motion, is to take action.

The program provides 8 pillars to creating a meaningful life.

The 2022 Tipping Point to Empowering Change Program is designed to help and support people who have come to a point in life where they feel stuck, burnt-out or totally lost. They may feel exhausted and drained before they even start their day. Procrastination, social media, binge eating, self-pity and other avoidance and self-sabotaging behaviours have crept in. They have lost their motivation and willpower to stick to anything meaningful such as eating healthy, exercise, creativity, etc. Their mental and physical health has started to show signs of inattention, and past trauma, stress, self-denial, guilt, depression, shame, etc. are all filling the mind at different hours of the day.

If you are feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, even trapped, this program could be the solution to help kick start you in the right direction.  

Professional coaching has long been used in the business world to assist in reconnecting clients to their strengths and values, removing limiting beliefs, identifying sabotaging behaviours, increasing a sense of control, achievement, and purpose. The program does all this by utilising a combination of modalities, techniques, and education to take participants from where they are to where they genuinely want to be in life.

What Will You Experience and Learn?

  • You will learn a powerful technique to connect, decipher and understand your intuition and what it is communicating with you.
  • You will learn three very powerful breath techniques that can help you balance your nervous system within a couple of minutes.
  • Experience a powerful group therapy session to release self-doubt, anger, sadness, fear, sadness, hurt or guilt.
  • Discover the strength and power of intention setting.
  • Build an understanding and awareness of cause and effect, co-dependency and develop a powerful growth mindset to allow you to attract positive opportunities into every key area of your life.
  • Identify current limiting beliefs, thoughts and behaviours that are keeping you trapped and learn how to change them.
  • Uncover your sabotages that are hindering you and learn how to release them.
  • Unwrap your internal compass and values to discover your true direction and passion

Where and When

The Tipping Point program will run from 9-5 on Saturday 27 August at Toowoon Bay SLSC, located on the beautiful Central Coast. Come for a day or the weekend, either way there are great accommodation options available. I am also offering a complimentary meditation and breath work session on the Sunday morning.

Then, on the evenings of 14, 21 & 27 September, there will be 3 x 90-minute combined live zoom/face to face sessions to complete the program. All recorded and shared in case you can’t make one.

The program is structured to provide answers, guidance and empowering techniques to help you move forward with inspiration and passion. As you evolve, you begin to have a positive flow on effect to other people and other areas in your life.

Life is short and you truly are meant to enjoy it. Give yourself permission to create a life of meaning, joy and freedom today.

I was really struggling to value and love myself; I had no self-worth or self-esteem and I couldn’t love myself….

I am now naturally able to draw my own self-worth and strength from within and I no longer require the approval and recognition of others to feel valued.

-David, Past Participant

Next program to be announced soon.

  • 8 hour group session at Toowoon Bay SLSC
  • Meditation and breath work (OPTIONAL)
  • 90 minute ZOOM session
  • 90 minute ZOOM session
  • 90 minute ZOOM session

All sessions will be recorded for you to watch again.

Program Testimonials

Everyone that started the program, has completed all the modules with great success.

The program that you have put together is so powerful….Each week I learnt valuable lessons that didnt end when I walked out the side gate.

-KB, Past Participant

These are the tools for life, and why you are you. This should be taught in schools and work places.

-Kirsty, Past Participant

If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you will keep getting what you’ve always gotten.

Commit to improving your quality of life and secure your spot in my next program today.

International Institute for Complementary Therapists
Heal the Inner Child - Certified Practicioner
Certified Results Coach
Oxygen Advantage