Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. 1 in 4 people will experience anxiety at some stage in their life.
When we become more and more uncertain, or life becomes too much, we can go into overwhelm, avoidance, anxiety, worry, fear and so on.
The following extract is from Brent Brown’s “Atlas of the heart”.
……Avoidance, the second coping strategy for anxiety, is not showing up and often spending a lot of energy zigzagging around and away from that thing that already feels like it’s consuming us. And avoidance isn’t benign. It can hurt us, hurt other people, and lead to increased and mounting anxiety…..
……Anxiety and excitement feel the same, but how we interpret and label them can determine how we experience them. Even though excitement is described as an energised state of enthusiasm leading up to or during an enjoyable activity, it doesn’t always feel great. We can get the same ‘coming out of our skin’ feeling that we experience when we are feeling anxious.
Worry is described as a chain of negative thoughts about bad things that might happen in the future…..
All these and many more similar feelings and emotions are created when we are no longer living in the present moment or we are trying to control everything in our life. The result is an even greater distance between what we want and where we are.